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What’s Happening in Black British History? VII Workshop

Note new venue ..

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR

 Thursday 26th October 2017

10.00- 10:30 Registration: tea & coffee

10.30- 11:30 Keynote Speaker  David Olusoga

11.30- 13:00  Session One: Broadcasting Black British History

Chair: Jyoti Mehta

Catherine Fletcher (Swansea University) Broadcasting and the historian

James Van Der Pool (BBC TV Producer) The Making of BBC 2’s series Black and British: Forgotten History

Colin Grant (BBC Radio Producer) The perils of mimicry and minstrelsy in broadcasting

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14:00 – 15:00 Session Two: What do young people see happening in Black British History?

Chair: Thabo Stuck (The BRIT school, Croydon)

The three speakers are students at the BRIT school

Black History in the curriculum and school.
Past & Present: Black History in the local community.
Cultural Appropriation 

 15:00 – 16:30  Session Three: Imagination and Reality: Africans in Sixteenth Century Britain

Chair: Michael Ohajuru

Miranda Kaufmann (Institute for Commonwealth Studies) ‘An Untold Black Tudor story: Edward Swarthye, alias negro” 

Cassander L. Smith (University of Alabama) Black Africans in the British  Imagination: English Saviors and Black Legend Rhetoric in 16th Century Guinea.

Imtiaz Habib (Old Dominion University, Virginia) What Mary Phyllis Said: An Inquiry into the Politics of the meaning of Black Voices in the English Archives.

16: 30- 17:00  Tea/coffee

17:00 – 17:30 Final Thoughts and Conclusions Panel

Chair: Ali Meghji

Panel: To Be Announced

17:00 – 18:30 Reception

Register for WHBBH7 here

Download WHBBH7 Agenda WHBBH7 Agenda

Download WHBBH7 Flyer WHBBH7 Flyer

Pleased to announce date and venue for What’s Happening in Black British History VII  WHBBH7

Note new venue ..

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR

Thursday 26th October 2017

Keynote speaker  – David Olusoga