Black British History |

Tag Archive: south west

Dr Madge Dresser


Affiliation: Associate Professor of History, University of the West of England

Location: Bristol


Research Description: Atlantic Slavery and its Legacy; Black British History’; Slavery and Memory; Black and Jewish Relations, Political representation and Atlantic slavery today.

Research Keywords: Black Presence; Slavery; Ethnic Relations

Countries and Regions of Interest: UK (mainly England), Caribbean, USA (esp Virginia), West Africa (the Gambia, Nigeria, Ghana)


Slavery and the British Country House, co-edited with Andrew Hann (London: English Heritage 2013)

Ethnic Minorities and the City c. 1000-2001with Peter Fleming (London: Phillimore Press with Institute of Historical Research, University of London, 2007 [reprinted 2009]).

Slavery Obscured: The Social History of the Slave Trade in an English Provincial Port c. 1698-c.1833 (London: Continuum Books, 2001). [Reprinted  as The Social History of the Slave Trade in an English Provincial Port c. 1698-c.1833 (Bristol: Redcliffe Press, 2007).]

Black and White on the Buses: the campaign against the colour bar in Bristol (Bristol: Bristol Broadsides, 2007). [New edition by London: Bookmarks, 2013.]

Remembering slavery and abolition in Bristol‘, Slavery and Abolition, 30:2 (2009), pp. 223-246.

The black presence in a slaving port: Bristol 1688-1835‘, in S Finding (ed.) L’abolition de l’esclavage au Royaume-Uni (1787-1840): Débats et dissensions (Paris: Sedes, 2009), pp. 13-19.

Entries on ‘Black History in British Museums’, ‘Bristol’, and ‘Edward Colston’ in D Dabydeen and J Gilmore (eds.), Oxford Companion to Black British History (Oxford: OUP, 2007).

